Friday, April 12, 2019

What is this blog all about?

  Welcome to my Operation Sea Lion blog.

  This blog will be dedicated to my ongoing collection of  figures, scenery, research and wargames rules aimed at exploring the 'what if' scenario of Nazi Germany invading the British Isles.  The purpose of this blog is to provide me with a record of my progress and to provide me with somewhere to house my musings. I enjoy posting on facebook, but find it a bit transient, as it is quite and effort to find past posts. By housing my photos and ideas in this blog I will have a readily accessible record. If anyone else finds it amusing or useful then I am delighted. Stay a while, and feel free to comment too. 

I will be mostly collecting 28mm figures. I already have a collection of Home Guard, British Army, ATS, land girls, civilians,  German paratroopers (Fallschirmjäger), German secret agents and U-boat crews. I am in the process of making and painting scenery suitable for the period too. I plan to game using Bolt Action, and Black Ops. 

I also plan to try a much smaller scale too, using 3mm figures, possible using Sam Mustafa's Rommel rules. This is more of a long term project . I also can't rule out the possibility of taking the fight into the English Channel with Warlord Games 'Cruel Seas'.

I am a member of the excellent Facebook group "Wargaming Operation Sea Lion" although I have nothing to do with the administration of the group. The group provide an fantastic resource for anyone interested in wargaming the period and is crammed full of useful information and inspiring photos. 

At some points there may be a degree of cross over with another of my wargaming passions- 1938: Very British Civil War. This is only natural as the periods and settings are so similar. 

Bridge Assult

Following the successful preliminary airborne assault on the Kentish airfield by the fallschirmjager, and the first stages of the coastal i...